You don’t have to walk your creative path alone. I will help you think through your message and content needs.

Why you should work with me.

I’m a storyteller at heart. And I’d love to help you tell yours.

I am a freelance writer, writing coach, and independent scholar with over 15 years of experience in book collaboration (ghostwriting), editing, content creation, creative consulting, and authoring across multiple genres. My clients range from New York Times bestselling authors to multi-platinum Grammy award-winning musicians to former NFL MVPs to F500 companies.

I’ve helped CEOs, writers, designers, and entrepreneurs publish books, write scripts, create online and print media, and strategically craft brand messaging. From ghostwriting books to writing coach to brand messaging to social media content development, I’ve helped authors and organizations cut through confusion and jargon, find their stories, and discover how to tell them. I love making complex ideas easy to grasp and engaging to read.

I’m here to help you get your ideas ready to set sail.

What many creatives say when they come to me.

  • I have all these ideas for blogs, articles, and books, but I don’t know where to start.

  • I’ve written several chapters of my book but need help with structure and flow.

  • I think I want to self-publish, but I have no idea what that looks like. Can you help?

  • I need help thinking through my Substack content.

  • I have a book deal, but I need a conversation partner—someone who will help me think through my big idea and how it weaves through each chapter.

  • Can you help me write a book proposal?

  • I have this book idea. What should I do with it? Should I self-publish, traditionally publish, or start a Substack?

  • Our organization needs help with its brand messaging and identity. Our social media and blog posts are not gaining traction. How should we be thinking about this?

  • I’m a CEO or business owner. Can you help me gather my thoughts and turn them into content?

  • Platform building overwhelms me. Is there another path? How should I be thinking about building my audience?

  • I can’t seem to establish healthy creative rhythms. I feel burned out and don’t know what to do to get my mojo back. What should I be doing?

—Sara Hagerty, bestselling author of Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

“After eight years of writing books, I had an ‘Aha!’ experience while working with Tim Willard on my next one. His ability to dive into the details of a concept and draw out a clear progression took me from feeling stuck in my notes to being ready to write. But even more than that, it was as if he accidentally coached me through the intricacies of the craft. I say it accidentally because it wasn't part of our agenda, but it came naturally to him. The entire process enabled me to move into writing my book with ease and passion.”

What you can expect from our time together.

  • Listening is the secret to understanding. I love hearing clients gush about their visions for their projects. Your vision needs to be heard, understood, and championed. I will bring a posture of “up-building” to your project, which begins with understanding exactly what you want to accomplish.

  • I bring 15 years of experience in the publishing and creative industry. From book proposals to publishing industry insight to ghostwriting, to book mapping, I bring a comprehensive knowledge of the creative process along with an in-depth understanding of how the industry works and how to navigate it.

  • As a writer who has collaborated on over 25 books, I know the value honest feedback has on a creative project. I value straight talk and so do you. You want someone in your corner who will not sugarcoat hard truths about an idea, challenge your thinking in an age where all anyone wants to do is patronize you, and offer you a path forward rather than let you settle for the status quo.

—Lacey Sturm, Co-founder of platinum-selling rock band Flyleaf, solo rock artist, author of The Return

“Wrestling to communicate the transcendent beauty within my darkest memories was where I met Timothy Willard. He helped me write 3 books. I wanted to write to people wondering how a pain-filled life is worth living. Tim helped me teach mourners how to marvel at rainbows that appear in the tears still clinging to our lashes. It’s easy for Tim to put words to the stunning nature of the beautiful because he truly sees the world this way.”

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