Ask Me Anything.

Do you need a creative ear? Someone to listen to you. Someone to give you expert advice along your writer’s journey?

What do you need help with?

Sometimes, we need an experienced ear to listen to our ideas or help us get unstuck with a project. Sometimes, we need encouragement or help knowing where to start. For one hour, you can ask me anything about writing or creative endeavors. I’m all yours.

  • I know what it feels like to write alone—or at least feel like you’re alone on the journey. But you know what, you don’t have to be. I’m happy to spend an hour with you encouraging you to stay the course.

  • I’ve worked on over 30 books with various authors and have written more proposals than I can remember. For one hour you can ask me anything about the proposal process and what you should focus on.

  • Are you looking to take the dive? Go all in? My wife and I moved from Pennsylvania to Atlanta to pursue a full-time writing career. That was over 15 years ago. Pick my brain about what I’ve learned along the way.

  • I love creative sessions where we take ideas and follow them down rabbit holes. I’d love to do that with your book idea. Maybe you need clarity on it or guidance on how to go about getting started on the idea. Let’s chat!

  • Okay, this is very important. I could talk for hours about this. Hopefully you get that I’m just being playful. The point is, you can ask me anything related to the writing life or creative endeavors.

How It Works

  • What You'll Need

    We will meet over Zoom. Once you’ve booked your session, you’ll receive a private Zoom link. Before we meet, make sure to do some prep, and think of the questions you’d like to ask me. It’s best if you can send me a list of questions you think you want to cover so that I can prepare for our session and best serve your needs. Be sure to have a journal and pen ready for notetaking during our session, or your favorite notetaking APP open and ready.

  • During Our Session

    This one-hour session is all about your needs. You are welcome to ask me any questions about writing, the writing life, publishing, book proposals, book writing, or anything else related to your writing or creative project. It’s really wide open, and I encourage you to use the time to your advantage. It’s a casual format, so there’s no pressure on you. I will record our session and provide you with the download link so you can always return to it at your convenience.

  • Why You Should Ask Me

    I’ve been blessed to work in publishing for the last 15 years. I’ve collaborated on over 30 book projects published by traditional publishers, written many book proposals, been a creative consultant for non-profits and businesses, written scripts and fables, published my own books, and am finishing my second novel. I’ve worked with musicians, writers, pastors, CEOs, professional athletes, and singers. I love coaching and can’t wait to help you with your project.

Book an appointment.

Booking an appointment is easy. Simply choose one of the available slots below.